The website (“GP Beauty Mart”) is operated by GP Beauty Mart (“GP Beauty Mart” or “us” or “we” or “our”), having its located Flat no 302, Aishwarya hibiscus Sai Nagar Colony Kushaiguda, Hyderabad 500062, India. Please read the Conditions of Use document carefully before using the GP Beauty Mart website. By using the GP Beauty Mart website, you signify your agreement to be bound by GP Beauty Mart’s Conditions of Use. GP Beauty Mart are data controllers of personal information collected and processed through Our Website. Details can be found here. As described in our Privacy Notice, we share information with controls that are either subject to our Privacy Notice or follow practices at least as protective as those described in our Privacy Notice. We also share information with third-party service providers. For example, we use third-party service providers to fulfill orders for products, and to deliver packages. For any further details on our security practices please read our Privacy Notice. For any queries or issues relating to GP Beauty Mart, you can contact us by clicking

 Conditions of Use

 Conditions Relating to Your Use of GP Beauty Mart 

1. Your Account

If you use the website, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer to prevent unauthorised access to your account. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. You should take all necessary steps to ensure that the password is kept confidential and secure and should inform us immediately if you have any reason to believe that your password has become known to anyone else, or if the password is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorised manner. Please ensure that the details you provide us with are correct and complete and inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provided when registering. You can access and update much of the information you provided us with in the Your Account area of the website. You agree and acknowledge that you will use your account on the website to purchase products only for your personal use and not for business purposes.

2. Privacy

 Please review our Privacy Policy, which also governs your visit to, to understand our practices. The personal information / data provided to us by you during the course of usage of will be treated as strictly confidential and in accordance with the Privacy Notice and applicable laws and regulations. If you object to your information being transferred or used, please do not use the website.

3. E-Platform for Communication

You agree, understand and acknowledge that the website is an online platform that enables you to purchase products listed on the website at the price indicated therein at any time from any location. You further agree and acknowledge that GP Beauty Mart is only a facilitator and is not and cannot be a party to or control in any manner any transactions on the website. Accordingly, the contract of sale of products on the website shall be a strictly bipartite contract between you and the sellers on

4. Access to GP Beauty Mart

 We will do our utmost to ensure that availability of the website will be uninterrupted and that transmissions will be error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Also, your access to the website may also be occasionally suspended or restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services at any time without prior notice. We will attempt to limit the frequency and duration of any such suspension or restriction.

6. Your Conduct

You must not use the website in any way that causes, or is likely to cause, the website or access to it to be interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way You understand that you, and not GP Beauty Mart, are responsible for all electronic communications and content sent from your computer to us and you must use the website for lawful purposes only. You must not use the website for any of the following:

  •  for fraudulent purposes, or in connection with a criminal offense or other unlawful activity 
  •  to send, use or reuse any material that does not belong to you; or is illegal, is offensive (including but not limited to material that is sexually explicit content or which promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm), deceptive, misleading, abusive, indecent, invasive of another’s privacy, including bodily privacy, insulting or harassing on the basis of gender, blasphemous, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, or menacing; racially or ethnically objectionable, or disparaging; in breach of copyright, trademark, patent, confidentiality, privacy or any other proprietary information or right; or is otherwise injurious to third parties or relates to or promotes money laundering or gambling or promotes enmity between different groups on the grounds of religion or caste with the intent to incite violence; or is harmful to minors in any way; or impersonates another person; or threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India or friendly relations with foreign States or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting other nation; or objectionable or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever; or which consists of or contains software viruses or any other computer code, file or program designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any spam;.
  •  to deceive or mislead the addressee about the origin of messages.

7. Reviews, comments, communications and other content

Users of this website may post reviews, comments and other content; send communications; and submit suggestions, ideas, comments, questions, or other information, as long as the content does / is not illegal, offensive (including but not limited to material that is sexually explicit content or which promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm), deceptive, misleading, abusive, indecent, invasive of another’s privacy, including bodily privacy, insulting or harassing on the basis of gender, blasphemous, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic or menacing; racially or ethnically objectionable, or disparaging; in breach of copyright, trademark, patent, confidentiality, privacy or any other proprietary information or right; or otherwise injurious to third parties or relates to or promotes money laundering or gambling, or promotes enmity between different groups on the grounds of religion or caste with the intent to incite violence; or is harmful to minors in any way, or impersonates another person; or threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India or friendly relations with foreign States or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting other nation; or objectionable or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever; or which consists of or contains software viruses or any other computer code, file or program designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any spam; or deceive or mislead the addressee about the origin of messages. In the event a user fails to comply with the above. reserves the right (but not the obligation) to remove, refuse, delete or edit any content that in the sole judgement of GP Beauty Mart violates these Conditions of use and, or terminate your permission to access or use this website.

  8. Claims against Objectionable Content

  You can refer to the product detail page on GP Beauty Mart for checking any product details provided by the admin regarding the following:

  • the total price in single figure of any good or service, along with the breakup price for the good or service, showing all the compulsory and voluntary charges such as delivery charges, postage and handling charges, conveyance charges and the applicable tax, as applicable. These details are available on the invoice issued to you. To understand how to generate an invoice you can refer here.
  • mandatory notices and information provided by applicable laws, and the expiry date of the good being offered for sale, where applicable; .
  • importer and the guarantees related to the authenticity or genuineness of the imported products; and.
  •  All content included on the website, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the property of GP Beauty Mart, is protected by India and international copyright, authors’ rights and database right laws.

9. Children Use of GP Beauty Mart is available only to persons who can form a legally binding contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. If you are a minor i.e. under the age of 18 years, you may use GP Beauty Mart only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

10. Communications When you visit GP Beauty Mart, you are communicating with us electronically. You will be required to provide a valid phone number while placing an order with us. We may communicate with you by e-mail, SMS, phone call or by posting notices on the website or by any other mode of communication. For contractual purposes, you consent to receive communications (including transactional, promotional and/or commercial messages), from us with respect to your use of the website and/or your order placed on the website.

11. Losses We will not be responsible for any business loss (including loss of profits, revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill or wasted expenditure) or any other indirect or consequential loss that is not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when you commenced using the website.

12. Alteration of Service or Amendments to the Conditions We reserve the right to make changes to our website, policies, and these Conditions of Use at any time. You will be subject to the policies and Conditions of Use in force at the time that you use the website or that you order goods from us, unless any change to those policies or these conditions is required to be made by law or government authority (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by you). If any of these conditions is deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.

13. Events beyond our reasonable control We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond our reasonable control. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.

14. Waiver If you breach these conditions and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these conditions.

15. Governing law and Jurisdiction These conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. You agree, as we do, to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Delhi.

Our Details This website is operated by GP Beauty Mart. For the website, you could contact us by visiting:

16. Customer Complaint Details The details pertaining to each customer complaint lodged (including the status of the complaint and tracking details) are provided in the return e-mails which are sent back to the customers.

17. Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Right Infringements If you believe that your rights are being infringed, you may fill out and submit the Notice Form. We respond expeditiously to rights owners and their agents who complete and submit the Notice Form to communicate concerns about any alleged infringement. Upon receipt of a Notice Form we may take certain actions, including removing information or an item, all of which are taken without any admission as to liability and without prejudice to any rights, remedies or defenses, all of which are expressly reserved. Furthermore, in submitting a Notice Form, you grant to GP Beauty Mart the right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, and display its content throughout the world in any media. This includes forwarding the Notice Form to the parties involved in the provision of the allegedly infringing content. You agree to indemnify GP Beauty Mart for all claims brought by a third party against GP Beauty Mart arising out of or in connection with the submission of a Notice Form. Note on Third Party Seller Listings: Please keep in mind that Third Party Seller listings are merely hosted on

Important Warning: giving false, misleading or inaccurate information in the Notice Form to GP Beauty Mart may result in civil and/or criminal liability. You should contact a legal advisor should you have any questions.

Notice Form: If you believe that your rights are being violated by an item or information on the site, you may fill out and submit the Notice Form (below). This signed form can be sent via E-mail PDF or Post to the Grievance Officer: Name: Gurram Prudhvi Raj   e-mail PDF: Subject Line: Claim of Infringement. Post Address: Flat no 302, Aishwarya hibiscus Sai nagar colony Kushaiguda, Hyderabad 500062. (We will accept a signed PDF via e-mail with the subject line “Claim of Infringement” or Post, unless by prior agreement we have agreed with you for an alternative receipt mechanism).

  1.  Contact information (b) A description of your intellectual property right(s) that you claim has/have been infringed (e.g. copyright, trademark or patent) by the information of/for this ASIN/ISBN-13. [REPEAT (2)(a-b) as necessary for multiple items, see example Notice Form here.] Include the following statement: “I have a good faith belief that the portion of the listing(s) described above violate(s) the intellectual property rights owned by the intellectual property owner or its agent, nor is such use otherwise permissible under law.” Include the following statement: “I represent that the information in this notification is true and correct and that I am the intellectual property owner or authorised to act on behalf of the intellectual property owner for the rights described above.”  Sign the Notice Form. 
   Notice and Procedure for Notifying of Objectionable Content If you believe that any content on, or advertised for sale on, the website contains any Objectionable Content as defined under Section 8 above, please notify us immediately by copying the Notice to of Objectionable Content below into your word processor program, complete it in accordance with the instructions set out in the Notice and send a signed copy via E-mail PDF or Post to the Grievance Officer: Name: Gurram Prudhvi Raj   e-mail PDF: Subject Line: Claim of Infringement. Post Address: Flat no 302, Aishwarya hibiscus Sai nagar colony Kushaiguda, Hyderabad 500062. Please note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying of Objectionable Content on or advertised for sale on the website. Please provide your address, telephone number, and e-mail address when sending the notice to us. 

  Important Warning: Giving false, misleading or inaccurate information in the Notice to may result in civil and/ or criminal liability.

Notice to of Objectionable Content In the matter of I, [Please set out your full name] of [please give your postal address][please set your occupation], says as follows: 

  1. I refer to the website (“the website”). I make this statement in support of my giving notice that, via the website, it is causing or contributing to the publication of Objectionable Content. The Objectionable Content (delete whichever paragraph is not applicable); The Objectionable Content appear on page [please state the page number(s) where you consider the words constitute Objectionable Content]. OR (b) appear on the website at [please cut and paste the address of the relevant Web page from the website where the Objectionable Content appears].  The words/ content that I consider to be Objectionable Content are [please repeat the exact words you are complaining about]. This content is Objectionable Content because [please state why you consider the content is Objectionable Content]. I understand that this statement may be used in any court proceedings that may arise out of or relating to the Objectionable Content which I have complained about. 
 Statement of Truth I declare the facts stated above to be true. Signed: Dated: Please read the conditions of use carefully before using the website. By using the website, you signify your agreement to be bound by these conditions.

2. Our Contract Your order is an offer to us to buy the product(s) in your order. When you place an order to purchase a product from us, you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your order and containing the details of your order (the “Order Confirmation E-mail”). The Order Confirmation E-mail is acknowledgement that we have received your order, and does not confirm acceptance of your offer to buy the product(s) ordered. We only accept your offer, and conclude the contract of sale for a product ordered by you, when the product is dispatched to you and an e-mail confirmation is sent to you that the product has been dispatched to you (the “Dispatch Confirmation E-mail”). If your order is dispatched in more than one package, you may receive a separate Dispatch Confirmation E-mail for each package, and each Dispatch Confirmation E-mail and corresponding dispatch will conclude a separate contract of sale between you and us for the product(s) specified in that Dispatch Confirmation E-mail. Your contract is with us (the Sellers) and you confirm that the product(s) ordered by you are purchased for your internal / personal purpose and not for re-sale or business purpose. You authorize us to declare and provide declaration to any governmental authority on your behalf stating the aforesaid purpose of the products ordered by you on the website.You can cancel your order for a product at no cost any time before we send the Dispatch Confirmation E-mail relating to that product. Please note that we sell products only in quantities which correspond to the typical needs of an average household. This applies both to the number of products ordered within a single order and the placing of several orders for the same product where the individual orders comprise a quantity typical for a normal household.

Contact Here

Flat no 302, Aishwarya hibiscus Sai nagar colony,

Kushaiguda, Hyderabad 500062

Phone: +91 92460 38538